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Academy Governance

Welcome to the Governor section of our Website.

Academy Governance

Our Academy has two layers of governance: the members of the Trust, who operate at a strategic level (they are the owners of the company, rather like shareholders) and the governors (who together make up the Governing Body) who have the responsibilities delegated to them by the Academy Trust. The constitution of an academy is set out in its Articles of Association which are agreed with the secretary of state.

The Governing Body is composed of up to 18 representatives from the Church, local community, school and parents. As a critical friend, the Governing Body offers support, constructive advice, a sounding board for ideas, a second opinion on proposals and help where needed. Governors are responsible for establishing the aims and policies of the school, setting and implementing the school budget, and ensuring that the curriculum is taught. They set targets for the school and ensure the implementation of these targets. They visit the school regularly and act as a link between parents, the Church, and the school.

All governors welcome feedback and suggestions from Parents, Carers and other stakeholders. Any correspondence received will be promptly dealt with at the next Governing Body meeting and the outcome reported back to respective parents.

St Matthias Church of England Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. We expect all staff, Governors and volunteers to share in this commitment. As such, we insist all Governors have a satisfactory DBS Enhanced Disclosure.

All Governors can be contacted by letter via the school office.



Term of Office

Governor Role / Committee


Rev. Phillip Johnson





Corporate Appointment




Corporate Appointment





Corporate Apppointment



Chair of Governors



Foundation Governors 4 x PCC  5x WDAT 

Rev Phillip Johnson

Ex- officio WDAT


Ex officio


Vice-Chair of Governors

Mrs Alison Sims


5.12.16 - 4.12.20


Pay Committee 

Mr Tony Matthews


2.7.18 - 1.7.22







 Mr Allan Foulds


13.5.19 - 12.5.23 Pay Committee 
Vacancy   Pay Committee

Mrs Jennifer Batelen


13.10.19 –


 Ms Janette Sharp 28.10.19-27.10.23  

Parent Governors                                 3x Parent Governors

Ms Elizabeth Bessant

13.09.19 - 12.09.23

Chair of governors







Staff Governors    

Mrs Virginia Beale

Ex-officio principal

5.12.19 Ex-officio



Co-Opted Governors                       2x Co-Opted Governors



A full Governor Database with attendance information can be found by clicking on the following links.